Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Theory of Symbolic Interactionism

     Hey everyone!! I hope you all had an awesome week. This week I shall discuss the idea of symbolic interactionism. Most people out there are probably asking themselves "what in the world is symbolic interactionism?"
     So what is symbolic interactionism? Well it is the theoretical approach and sociological perspective that emphasizes motives and meaning for individuals. It focuses on the importance of symbols for people, particularly language, as the core elements of all human interaction. The founder of this approach is George Herbert Mead. Many see symbolic interaction as more of a psychological theory while it is essentially a theory of socialization. The process of becoming a human is much more complex than merely being born. This process is achieved through the interactions that are between a child and his or her elders that surround him or her. The first step in an individuals journey to becoming a human being is finding his or her own social self. This is where an individual realizes that he or she is no longer a part of his or her mother, as in the womb, but that he or she is a unique and completely separate individual. After this is achieved the individual then goes onto the stage where he or she becomes a generalized other. This is where individuals learn how to operate as  a member of a wider group (society).
    Symbolic interactionism is clearly a sociological theory due to the complex and social process of becoming a human being.


  1. Nice explanation! Your last sentence basically sums up this blog topic :D

  2. I like how thorough you were. And I agree with the last sentence.
