Saturday, January 28, 2012

technology+school=unlimited possibilities

      Hey everyone!  What kinds of things pop into your head when you think about technology?  Some may think about beating their high score in temple run or typing up an essay for their English class.  Technology is used all around the world for entertainment, hard work, and communication.  Today more and more schools are implementing the use of technology in every single class they offer.
      The use of technology in school can lead to a more organized and efficient work environment.  Technology could be better utilized at my school through the use of more computer lab access or personal electronic distribution, online classes, and through the use of Google groups.  If my school allowed more students to use computers during class then students would be able to get a head start on homework or to start research for a particular project.  If students were given their own personal Ipads or laptops then the excuse of i don't have a computer would be eliminated.  If students had their own personal computers that they could carry around with them throughout their classes they could utilize them for notes, online textbooks, and much more.  As being a part of the Step Up program at my school I have the privilege of having my own personal Ipad for the year.  This is very useful for my education because now I can have my notes with me at all times and keep them very organized.  One more implementation of technology that would benefit the students at my school would be for every teacher to make a Google group for the student that are in his or her class.  A Google group is excellent way for a teachers and students to communicate with each other.  Basically the teacher and students all make email accounts through Google and then create group that allow to only communicate to everyone who is in the group.
      Technology is a powerful and helpful tool for students everywhere.  Like they all say, technology opens the doors to a brighter future.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Giving back

Hey guys! Today is such a beautiful day isn't it? It's a beautiful day for helping others. Well of course, everyday is a perfect opportunity to help those who are less fortunate than us. I have done some things to help and give back to my community but I plan to do much more. I have participated in water way cleanups. When I was a girl scout we did many things to keep the earth clean as well as sing at senior homes. When I was 13 and 14 I volunteered at the Holday Park Gymnastics Center. I assisted in the the summer camp for chidren's gymnastics. I got to have fun with the kidsas well as make sure that they had a really fun time. I currently do gymnastics at this gym as well as coach during summer camps and other times when I am needed. It feels good to help kids accomplish skills that they never thought that they would be able to do before. Their faces of accomplishment makes my heart leap for joy. Helping others is something that I really enjoy doing. In the future I plan to help my community a lot more through the company Hands On Broward. I really hope to feed the homeless, clean the earth, and help keep animals happy and healthy. There is a quote that I try to live by to the best of my ability. The quote is " love others as you love yourself". So let's all put a smile on our face and other faces to bring joy to the world. :)